From Wikitech

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# debugfile /var/log/ha-debug
# logfile /var/log/ha-log
# logfacility local0

# send hearbeat every # seconds
keepalive 2

# timeout before considered dead
deadtime 30

# late heartbeat warning
#warntime 10

# In case of a reboot, a server takes sometime
# to bring network back.
initdead 120

udpport 694
#baud 19200
#serial /dev/ttyS0

# Network interface on which heartbeats broadcast are sent.
# bcast eth0

# Multicast: dev mcastgroup port ttl loop
# mcast eth0 694 1 0

# unicast: dev peer-ip
# ucast eth0

auto_failback on

# nodes in the cluster (uname -n)
#node foo
#node bar