Server Admin Log
- 04:58 YuviPanda: started restbase on restbase1002
- 02:53 logmsgbot: l10nupdate@tin ResourceLoader cache refresh completed at Sun Jan 17 02:53:19 UTC 2016 (duration 6m 59s)
- 02:46 logmsgbot: mwdeploy@tin sync-l10n completed (1.27.0-wmf.10) (duration: 08m 53s)
- 02:26 logmsgbot: mwdeploy@tin sync-l10n completed (1.27.0-wmf.9) (duration: 10m 41s)
- 01:47 paravoid: restarting HHVM on mw1120, mw1125, mw1127, mw1132, mw1148; OOM
- 19:52 andrewbogott: renaming and reimaging labcontrol2001 -> labtestweb2001
- 15:57 milimetric: piwik is taking events on bohrium but the interface can't complete the queries to load because there's too much data. Mysql is maxing the CPU but it seems ok for now, will check again Monday.
- 15:22 milimetric: restarted mysql on bohrium because it had stopped working (probably due to piwik performance problems)
- 03:02 logmsgbot: l10nupdate@tin ResourceLoader cache refresh completed at Sat Jan 16 03:02:21 UTC 2016 (duration 6m 57s)
- 02:55 logmsgbot: mwdeploy@tin sync-l10n completed (1.27.0-wmf.10) (duration: 08m 35s)
- 02:35 logmsgbot: mwdeploy@tin sync-l10n completed (1.27.0-wmf.9) (duration: 18m 55s)
- 22:43 logmsgbot: aaron@tin Synchronized wmf-config/CommonSettings.php: Set $wgCentralAuthUseSlaves for testwiki (duration: 00m 33s)
- 22:38 mutante: gadolinium - shutdown -h now
- 22:35 mutante: erbium - killing from puppet/icinga/salt
- 21:54 mutante: mira - starting salt
- 21:29 mutante: protactinium - shut down, unused system with outdated software
- 21:09 mutante: (ganglia for ulsfo will be affected, brb)
- 21:07 mutante: bast4001 - reinstalling with jessie
- 18:55 ori: disabled gzip in apache for javascript mime types and did an apache config reload
- 18:04 logmsgbot: ori@tin Synchronized docroot and w: Ie60638b0: Mirror homepage.js from (duration: 00m 42s)
- 16:01 godog: bounce hhvm on mw1129 / mw1204
- 15:41 godog: reimage ms-be3001 with trusty
- 14:54 godog: reimage ms-fe3002 with trusty
- 14:13 mark: Temporarily paused md126 RAID check on labstore1001 (sync_action idle)
- 14:09 chasemp: phab restart phd (reports as not running in phab itself) seems ok now
- 14:03 mark: set sync_speed_min to 5000 for md126 on labstore1001
- 13:28 logmsgbot: demon@tin Synchronized wmf-config/InitialiseSettings.php: w:he as import source for commonswiki (duration: 00m 49s)
- 12:17 hashar: restarting Jenkins for plugins updates
- 11:07 _joe_: re-enabled puppet on mw1013, restarted HHVM to make it pick up our latest changes
- 10:01 moritzm: installed ganeti security updates
- 09:18 moritzm: installed git security updates on all jessie systems
- 03:10 logmsgbot: l10nupdate@tin ResourceLoader cache refresh completed at Fri Jan 15 03:10:09 UTC 2016 (duration 6m 48s)
- 03:03 logmsgbot: mwdeploy@tin sync-l10n completed (1.27.0-wmf.10) (duration: 16m 02s)
- 02:30 logmsgbot: krenair@tin Synchronized php-1.27.0-wmf.10/includes/api/ApiQueryRecentChanges.php: (duration: 00m 42s)
- 02:29 logmsgbot: mwdeploy@tin sync-l10n completed (1.27.0-wmf.9) (duration: 14m 00s)
- 02:23 YuviPanda: pull annualreport git repo on bromine for Krenair
- 01:00 logmsgbot: krenair@tin Synchronized php-1.27.0-wmf.10/includes/api/ApiQueryWatchlist.php: (duration: 00m 31s)
- 00:27 logmsgbot: krenair@tin Synchronized wmf-config/throttle.php: (duration: 00m 32s)
- 00:24 logmsgbot: krenair@tin Synchronized wmf-config/InitialiseSettings.php: touch (duration: 00m 31s)
- 00:22 logmsgbot: krenair@tin Synchronized wmf-config: (duration: 00m 32s)
- 00:06 mobrovac: restbase started a dump of enwiki to populate storage with mobileapps renders
- 23:56 mobrovac: restbase end deploy of dac31a8c
- 23:49 mobrovac: restbase start deploy of dac31a8c
- 22:17 csteipp: deployed patch for T122807
- 19:55 ottomata: restarted eventlogging_sync script to insert batches of 1000
- 19:31 logmsgbot: dduvall@tin rebuilt wikiversions.php and synchronized wikiversions files: rollback labswiki to wmf.9
- 19:02 logmsgbot: dduvall@tin rebuilt wikiversions.php and synchronized wikiversions files: all wikis to 1.27.0-wmf.10
- 18:40 bblack: removing old eqiad misc-web IP (DNS switched 50h ago (not 26 like above), TTLs are max 1h)
- 18:39 bblack: removing old eqiad misc-web IP (DNS switched 26h ago, TTLs are max 1h)
- 18:01 paravoid: turning up BGP with Zayo in eqiad
- 16:25 logmsgbot: demon@tin Synchronized wmf-config/throttle.php: (no message) (duration: 00m 49s)
- 15:48 moritzm: installed DHCP security updates across the fleet
- 14:44 _joe_: powercycling mw1013, console stuck
- 11:28 godog: bounce uwsgi on labmon1001
- 11:18 godog: upgrade graphite-carbon / graphite-web on labmon1001
- 10:38 _joe_: restarting hhvm on odd-numbered jobrunners
- 10:29 moritzm: installed DHCP security updates on carbon
- 04:28 paravoid: powercycling mw1005/mw1011
- 04:24 paravoid: restart hhvm on odd-numbered appservers
- 02:30 logmsgbot: mwdeploy@tin sync-l10n completed (1.27.0-wmf.9) (duration: 12m 21s)
- 01:32 Krenair: Wikitech rolled back to wmf.9 due to T123583
- 01:27 logmsgbot: krenair@tin rebuilt wikiversions.php and synchronized wikiversions files: (no message)
- 01:06 mutante: mw1009 - restarted hhvm
- 01:00 logmsgbot: krenair@tin Synchronized php-1.27.0-wmf.10/extensions/VisualEditor/extension.json: (duration: 01m 35s)
- 00:30 logmsgbot: krenair@tin Synchronized php-1.27.0-wmf.10/extensions/CirrusSearch/includes:,263991,n,z (duration: 06m 08s)
- 00:11 logmsgbot: krenair@tin Synchronized wmf-config/CommonSettings.php: (duration: 00m 31s)
- 00:10 logmsgbot: krenair@tin Synchronized wmf-config/InitialiseSettings.php: (duration: 00m 31s)
- 00:08 logmsgbot: krenair@tin Synchronized php-1.27.0-wmf.10/extensions/Echo/modules/echo.variables.less: (duration: 00m 45s)
- 23:46 tgr: T123451: running mwscript sql.php --wiki=metawiki patch-bot_passwords.sql
- 23:09 mobrovac: restbase end deploy of 536e15b6
- 22:58 andrewbogott: /etc/init.d/nfs-kernel-server restart on labstore1001
- 22:54 mobrovac: restbase start deploy of 536e15b6
- 22:20 logmsgbot: catrope@tin Synchronized wmf-config/: sync labs-only config changes (duration: 00m 32s)
- 21:54 mobrovac: restbase end deploy of 559a13a
- 21:44 mobrovac: restbase start deploy of 559a13a
- 21:40 mdholloway: mobileapps deployed c9e7e28
- 21:27 aude: Updated cirrus search mappings for testwikidata and wikidata to add new fields
- 21:02 ori: Disabling Puppet on mw1013 (eqiad jobrunner) to hack in some debug logging into GWT jobs.
- 20:01 ottomata: dropped MobileWebSectionUsage_14321266 and MobileWebSectionUsage_15038458 from analytics-store eventlogging slave db
- 19:55 ostriches: *wikimania2017wiki_content
- 19:55 ostriches: elasticsearch: wikimania2017_content was reporting as missing in logstash, ran updateSearchIndexConfig. messy aliases? Seems to be working again.
- 19:27 ottomata: dropping eventlogging tables from MobileWebSectionUsage_14321266 and MobileWebSectionUsage_15038458 m4-master log database. These are too large and have been blacklisted from mysql. No more events will be inserted into mysql for these. We are attempting to help replication catch up on the analytics-store slave.
- 19:11 logmsgbot: thcipriani@tin rebuilt wikiversions.php and synchronized wikiversions files: group1 wikis to 1.27.0-wmf.10
- 18:33 RobH: restarted zotero/mobileapps on sca1*/scb1* respectively for marko's code deploy
- 18:33 RobH: restarted zotero/mobileapps on sca1*/scb1* respectively
- 18:27 logmsgbot: demon@tin Synchronized wmf-config/InitialiseSettings.php: OfficeIT namespace on wikitech (duration: 00m 31s)
- 18:03 mobrovac: zotero deploying translators 0476aa0
- 17:12 gwicke: restarted mathoid on scb1001 and scb1002
- 17:06 gwicke: restarted mathoid on sca1001 and sca1002
- 17:00 logmsgbot: krenair@tin Synchronized php-1.27.0-wmf.10/extensions/Wikidata: (duration: 00m 41s)
- 16:31 logmsgbot: krenair@tin Synchronized wmf-config/throttle.php: (duration: 00m 31s)
- 16:28 logmsgbot: krenair@tin Synchronized wmf-config/InitialiseSettings.php: (duration: 00m 31s)
- 16:22 logmsgbot: krenair@tin Synchronized portals: (duration: 00m 31s)
- 16:20 logmsgbot: krenair@tin Synchronized wmf-config/Wikibase-production.php: (duration: 00m 31s)
- 16:14 logmsgbot: krenair@tin Synchronized wmf-config/Wikibase.php: (duration: 00m 31s)
- 16:03 logmsgbot: krenair@tin Synchronized docroot/noc: (duration: 00m 31s)
- 14:11 godog: bounce hhvm on mw1007
- 14:03 godog: bounce hhvm on mw1005, powercycle mw1011
- 13:46 godog: bounce hhvm on mw1009, powercycle mw1003
- 13:39 godog: bounce hhvm on mw1013
- 10:31 paravoid: upgrading grafana 2.6.0-beta1 -> 2.6.0
- 06:45 logmsgbot: ori@tin Synchronized php-1.27.0-wmf.9/extensions/GWToolset: Ib9375b: Make sure XMLReader::close() is always called (T122069) (duration: 00m 32s)
- 06:43 logmsgbot: ori@tin Synchronized php-1.27.0-wmf.10/extensions/GWToolset: Ib9375b: Make sure XMLReader::close() is always called (T122069) (duration: 01m 07s)
- 03:15 logmsgbot: l10nupdate@tin ResourceLoader cache refresh completed at Wed Jan 13 03:15:57 UTC 2016 (duration 7m 13s)
- 03:08 logmsgbot: mwdeploy@tin sync-l10n completed (1.27.0-wmf.10) (duration: 16m 09s)
- 02:57 Krinkle: Manually killed uwsgi graphite-web child processes on graphite1001. Service recovered itself from there.
- 02:44 Krinkle: Graphite is down. Consistently returns HTTP 502 Bad Gateway for any/all requests
- 02:34 logmsgbot: mwdeploy@tin sync-l10n completed (1.27.0-wmf.9) (duration: 11m 13s)
- 01:33 yurik: deployed tilerator maps service
- 01:19 logmsgbot: krenair@tin Synchronized php-1.27.0-wmf.10/extensions/Echo/Resources.php: (duration: 00m 32s)
- 01:18 logmsgbot: krenair@tin Synchronized php-1.27.0-wmf.10/extensions/Flow/modules/editor/editors/visualeditor/ (duration: 00m 31s)
- 01:03 logmsgbot: krenair@tin Synchronized portals: - after having done the submodule update this time (duration: 00m 31s)
- 00:37 logmsgbot: krenair@tin Synchronized portals: (duration: 00m 33s)
- 00:31 logmsgbot: krenair@tin Synchronized wmf-config/InitialiseSettings.php: (duration: 00m 31s)
- 00:28 logmsgbot: krenair@tin Synchronized wmf-config/InitialiseSettings.php: (duration: 00m 32s)
- 00:25 logmsgbot: krenair@tin Synchronized wmf-config/InitialiseSettings.php: (duration: 00m 30s)
- 00:17 logmsgbot: krenair@tin Synchronized wmf-config/InitialiseSettings.php: (duration: 00m 31s)
- 00:15 logmsgbot: krenair@tin Synchronized wmf-config/CommonSettings.php: (duration: 00m 31s)
- 00:10 logmsgbot: krenair@tin Synchronized wmf-config/InitialiseSettings.php: (duration: 00m 30s)
- 00:08 yurik: switched all maps kartotherian servers to v5, restarted
- 00:06 logmsgbot: krenair@tin Synchronized images/mobile/wikivoyage.png: (duration: 00m 31s)
- 00:06 logmsgbot: krenair@tin Synchronized images/mobile/wikidata.png: (duration: 00m 32s)
- 21:58 ori: Restarting jobchron / jobrunner / HHVM on all job runners for I44990808
- 21:07 logmsgbot: hoo@tin Synchronized php-1.27.0-wmf.10/extensions/Math/: Introduce a "MathEnableWikibaseDataType" config (duration: 00m 32s)
- 20:52 logmsgbot: hoo@tin Synchronized wmf-config/: Set $wgMathEnableWikibaseDataType to false (duration: 01m 29s)
- 20:44 logmsgbot: twentyafterfour@tin rebuilt wikiversions.php and synchronized wikiversions files: group0 to 1.27.0-wmf.10
- 20:34 logmsgbot: thcipriani@tin Finished scap: testwiki to php-1.27.0-wmf.10 and rebuild l10n cache (duration: 54m 42s)
- 20:14 mobrovac: restbase switching restbase200x to node 4.2
- 20:13 mobrovac: restbase switch of restbase100[1-4] to node 4.2 completed
- 20:10 mobrovac: restbase switching restbase100[1-4] to node 4.2
- 19:39 logmsgbot: thcipriani@tin Started scap: testwiki to php-1.27.0-wmf.10 and rebuild l10n cache
- 19:31 logmsgbot: dduvall@tin scap failed: CalledProcessError Command 'sudo -u www-data -n -- /bin/mktemp' returned non-zero exit status 1 (duration: 00m 42s)
- 19:30 logmsgbot: dduvall@tin Started scap: testwiki to php-1.27.0-wmf.10 and rebuild l10n cache
- 19:26 YuviPanda: import new r-base package into carbon
- 18:15 marxarelli: cutting MW branch 1.27.0-wmf.10
- 17:37 logmsgbot: krenair@tin Synchronized wmf-config/InitialiseSettings.php: (duration: 00m 31s)
- 16:53 logmsgbot: thcipriani@tin Synchronized wmf-config/InitialiseSettings.php: SWAT: Import sources on gu.wikipedia gerrit:258441 (duration: 00m 29s)
- 16:48 logmsgbot: thcipriani@tin Synchronized wmf-config/CommonSettings.php: SWAT: Get rid of old unused $wgAllowed* variables gerrit:256853 (duration: 00m 29s)
- 16:47 _joe_: restarted salt-minion on tin
- 16:44 logmsgbot: thcipriani@tin Synchronized wmf-config/InitialiseSettings.php: SWAT: Add portal namespace to gerrit:255519 (duration: 00m 30s)
- 16:42 logmsgbot: thcipriani@tin Synchronized wmf-config/InitialiseSettings.php: SWAT: Remove proxyunbannable gerrit:254842 (duration: 00m 30s)
- 16:37 logmsgbot: thcipriani@tin Synchronized wmf-config/InitialiseSettings.php: SWAT: Allow sysop to grant and revoke transwiki on gu.wikipedia gerrit:258474 (duration: 00m 29s)
- 16:33 logmsgbot: thcipriani@tin Synchronized wmf-config/InitialiseSettings.php: SWAT: Namespace configuration on pa.wikipedia gerrit:258436 (duration: 00m 29s)
- 16:22 logmsgbot: thcipriani@tin Synchronized wmf-config/InitialiseSettings.php: SWAT: Namespace configuration on my.wikipedia gerrit:258442 (duration: 00m 30s)
- 15:56 godog: reprovision ms-fe3001 with jessie
- 14:55 ema: added myself to ops and wmf ldap groups
- 11:57 _joe_: enabling auth on the production etcd cluster
- 08:37 paravoid: ms-be1002: echo b > /proc/sysrq-trigger, kernel misbehaving and unrecoverable (out of kernel memory/XFS issues)
- 07:38 paravoid: cr2-eqiad: reenable BGP peerings with GTT
- 05:31 paravoid: rm CirrusSearchRequests.log-201510*.gz on fluorine (saving ~200G)
- 04:07 paravoid: cleaning up elastic1006's /var/log from old logs
- 03:59 paravoid: reenabling puppet on sca1001/2; no reason was left
- 02:33 logmsgbot: l10nupdate@tin ResourceLoader cache refresh completed at Tue Jan 12 02:33:00 UTC 2016 (duration 6m 55s)
- 02:26 logmsgbot: mwdeploy@tin sync-l10n completed (1.27.0-wmf.9) (duration: 10m 47s)
- 00:46 logmsgbot: krenair@tin Synchronized wmf-config/InitialiseSettings.php: rv 443026e3ad18934dd0017a258673d88104cf6b5e (duration: 00m 29s)
- 00:32 logmsgbot: krenair@tin Synchronized wmf-config/InitialiseSettings.php: (duration: 00m 30s)
- 00:29 logmsgbot: krenair@tin Synchronized wmf-config/InitialiseSettings.php: (duration: 00m 30s)
- 00:25 logmsgbot: krenair@tin Synchronized wmf-config/InitialiseSettings.php: (duration: 00m 30s)
- 00:18 logmsgbot: krenair@tin Synchronized wmf-config/InitialiseSettings.php: (duration: 00m 30s)
- 00:14 logmsgbot: krenair@tin Synchronized wmf-config/InitialiseSettings.php: (duration: 00m 30s)
- 00:10 logmsgbot: krenair@tin Synchronized wmf-config/CommonSettings.php: (duration: 00m 30s)
- 00:09 logmsgbot: krenair@tin Synchronized wmf-config/InitialiseSettings.php: (duration: 00m 30s)
- 00:06 logmsgbot: krenair@tin Synchronized wmf-config/InitialiseSettings.php: (duration: 00m 30s)
- 22:52 logmsgbot: jzerebecki@tin Synchronized wmf-config/throttle.php: deploying (duration: 00m 30s)
- 22:48 YuviPanda: restart eventlogging_synch on dbstore1002
- 22:47 logmsgbot: jzerebecki@tin Synchronized php-1.27.0-wmf.9/extensions/Wikidata/extensions/Wikibase/repo/maintenance/dispatchChanges.php: restoring truncated Wikidata dispatchChanges.php to let dispatchers run again (duration: 00m 30s)
- 22:46 mutante: restbase1004, restbase2002, restbase2005 - manually install nodejs
- 22:45 logmsgbot: jzerebecki@tin Synchronized php-1.27.0-wmf.9/extensions/Wikidata/extensions/Wikibase/repo: deploying with dispatchChanges.php still truncated (duration: 00m 33s)
- 22:40 mutante: restbase1001 - apt-get install nodejs
- 22:40 jzerebecki: dispatchChanges.php killed on terbium
- 22:38 logmsgbot: jzerebecki@tin Synchronized php-1.27.0-wmf.9/extensions/Wikidata/extensions/Wikibase/repo/maintenance/dispatchChanges.php: truncating Wikidata dispatchChanges.php to stop dispatchers as preparation for (duration: 00m 31s)
- 21:19 papaul: pc200[4-6] - signing puppet certs, salt-key, initial run
- 21:13 subbu: finished deploying parsoid sha 07494cf2
- 21:06 papaul: installing OS on pc200[4-6]
- 21:06 subbu: synced new code; restarted parsoid on wtp1003 as a canary
- 21:02 subbu: starting parsoid deploy
- 18:52 RobH: rt.w.o cert expired and its replacement will be later today (rt is internal ops only tool)
- 18:36 RobH: tendril cert updated and neon returned to normal service
- 18:30 ori: Restarting HHVM on all job runners, to vacate memory now that the cause of the leak appears to have subsided.(T122069)
- 18:24 RobH: tendril updating ssl cert on neon, https may flap for a second (this is on neon, so icinga https portal may also flap)
- 17:29 hoo: Updated Wikidata's property suggester with data from today's json dump
- 17:16 papaul: db2033 - signing puppet certs, salt-key, initial run
- 16:58 papaul: installing OS on db2033
- 16:49 logmsgbot: thcipriani@tin Synchronized robots.txt: SWAT: Remove overager unrequested /wiki/User: robots.txt rule gerrit:263360 (duration: 00m 30s)
- 16:41 logmsgbot: thcipriani@tin Synchronized wmf-config/InitialiseSettings.php: SWAT: Enable new user groups on gerrit:255810 (duration: 00m 30s)
- 16:34 logmsgbot: thcipriani@tin Synchronized wmf-config/InitialiseSettings.php: SWAT: dewikibooks: Set $wgRestrictDisplayTitle to false gerrit:260964 (duration: 00m 30s)
- 16:30 godog: halt ms-be1013, required to reset idrac
- 16:27 logmsgbot: thcipriani@tin Synchronized wmf-config/InitialiseSettings.php: SWAT: Enable global AubseFilter at French Wikipedia gerrit:257868 (duration: 00m 29s)
- 16:23 logmsgbot: thcipriani@tin Synchronized wmf-config/InitialiseSettings.php: SWAT: Changed user group rights at trwikiquote gerrit:261869 (duration: 00m 30s)
- 16:16 logmsgbot: thcipriani@tin Synchronized wmf-config/InitialiseSettings.php: SWAT: Added noindex rule for uawikimedia user namespace gerrit:261902 (duration: 00m 30s)
- 16:09 logmsgbot: thcipriani@tin Synchronized robots.txt: SWAT: Tidy robots.txt gerrit:240065 (duration: 00m 30s)
- 16:08 logmsgbot: thcipriani@tin Synchronized wmf-config/InitialiseSettings.php: SWAT: Set wgLocaltimezone for orwiki gerrit:260745 (duration: 00m 29s)
- 16:03 logmsgbot: thcipriani@tin Synchronized wmf-config/InitialiseSettings.php: SWAT: Add enwiki as transwiki import source for ta.wikipedia gerrit:262352 (duration: 00m 33s)
- 15:05 godog: repool restbase1004 in pybal, fully bootstrapped and running latest code
- 11:14 _joe_: upgrading etcd to 2.2.1 in production
- 10:36 _joe_: updating nodejs on restbase-test2002
- 07:17 _joe_: restarting HHVM on a few jobrunners
- 02:32 logmsgbot: l10nupdate@tin ResourceLoader cache refresh completed at Mon Jan 11 02:32:37 UTC 2016 (duration 6m 55s)
- 02:25 logmsgbot: mwdeploy@tin sync-l10n completed (1.27.0-wmf.9) (duration: 10m 39s)
- 01:11 paravoid: deactivating eqiad<->GTT BGP peering, reported network issues (P2469)
- 22:00 gwicke: restbase: 1005-1009 now on node 4.2
- 19:44 paravoid: powercycling mw1004, mw1008, mw1012
- 19:38 paravoid: restarting hhvm on jobrunners again
- 12:40 logmsgbot: mwdeploy@tin sync-l10n completed (1.27.0-wmf.9) (duration: 626m 20s)
- 10:13 ori: disabled categoryMembershipChange on mw1165 too, then restart jobrunner / jobchron / hhvm on mw1165 and mw1164
- 08:55 ori: mw1166 -- disabled puppet; disabled categoryMembershipChange jobs
- 08:48 ori: mw1167 -- disabled puppet; disabled deleteLinks and refreshLinks* jobs
- 08:45 ori: mw1168 -- disabled puppet; disabled restbase jobs
- 08:41 ori: mw1169 -- disables cirrus jobs.
- 08:33 ori: Attempting to isolate cause of T122069 by toggling job types on mw1169. Disabling Puppet to prevent it from clobbering config changes.
- 08:29 paravoid: restarting hhvm on jobrunners again
- 04:58 paravoid: powercycling mw1005, mw1008, mw1009 -- unresponsive due to OOM
- 04:56 paravoid: restarting HHVM on eqiad jobrunners, OOM, memleak faster than the 24h restarts
- 02:33 logmsgbot: l10nupdate@tin ResourceLoader cache refresh completed at Sat Jan 9 02:33:40 UTC 2016 (duration 6m 57s)
- 02:26 logmsgbot: mwdeploy@tin sync-l10n completed (1.27.0-wmf.9) (duration: 11m 19s)
- 23:49 RobH: stalled puppet on carbon for now, messing with partman files
- 02:31 logmsgbot: l10nupdate@tin ResourceLoader cache refresh completed at Fri Jan 8 02:31:46 UTC 2016 (duration 7m 0s)
- 02:24 logmsgbot: mwdeploy@tin sync-l10n completed (1.27.0-wmf.9) (duration: 10m 15s)
- 23:24 akosiaris: repooled scb1002 for mobileapps
- 23:24 akosiaris: enabled puppet,salt on scb1001
- 23:23 mobrovac: mobileapps deploying 58b371a on scb1001
- 23:09 mobrovac: mobileapps deploying 58b371a on scb1002
- 23:01 akosiaris: apt-mark hold nodejs on scb1001, etherpad1001 and maps-test200{1,2,3,4}
- 22:58 akosiaris: disable puppet and salt on scb1001 from nodejs 4.2 transition
- 22:57 akosiaris: depool scb1002 for mobileapps. Transition to nodejs 4.2 ongoing
- 19:21 YuviPanda: started tools / maps backup on labstore1001
- 19:13 YuviPanda: remove snapshots others20150815030010, others20150815030010, maps20151216040005 and maps20151028040004 that were all stale and should've been removed anyway (on labstore2001)
- 19:13 YuviPanda: remove snapshots others20150815030010, others20150815030010, maps20151216040005 and maps20151028040004 that were all stale and should've been removed anyway
- 19:11 jynus: setting up watchdog process killing long running queries on db1051
- 19:11 YuviPanda: run sudo lvremove backup/tools20151216020005 on labstore2001 to clean up full snapshot
- 18:54 _joe_: also resetting the drac
- 18:53 _joe_: powercycling ms-be1013
- 02:32 logmsgbot: l10nupdate@tin ResourceLoader cache refresh completed at Thu Jan 7 02:32:04 UTC 2016 (duration 6m 54s)
- 02:25 logmsgbot: mwdeploy@tin sync-l10n completed (1.27.0-wmf.9) (duration: 10m 33s)
- 23:03 gwicke: switched restbase1009 to node 4.2 for testing, and restarted restbase; see
- 02:34 logmsgbot: l10nupdate@tin ResourceLoader cache refresh completed at Wed Jan 6 02:34:38 UTC 2016 (duration 6m 53s)
- 02:27 logmsgbot: mwdeploy@tin sync-l10n completed (1.27.0-wmf.9) (duration: 10m 30s)
- 22:38 logmsgbot: aaron@tin Synchronized rpc: 830e1ed8d80295710dc02f18102b4fadae7fca86 (duration: 00m 55s)
- 18:34 logmsgbot: jzerebecki@tin scap aborted: deploy-log (duration: 00m 04s)
- 18:34 logmsgbot: jzerebecki@tin Started scap: deploy-log
- 15:47 ottomata: transitioned analytics1001 to active namenode
- 03:51 logmsgbot: krinkle@tin Synchronized php-1.27.0-wmf.9/includes/specials/SpecialJavaScriptTest.php: Idaacf71870 (duration: 00m 30s)
- 03:50 logmsgbot: krinkle@tin Synchronized php-1.27.0-wmf.9/resources/src/mediawiki.special/: Idaacf71870 (duration: 00m 30s)
- 03:49 logmsgbot: krinkle@tin Synchronized php-1.27.0-wmf.9/resources/Resources.php: Idaacf71870 (duration: 00m 36s)
- 02:31 logmsgbot: l10nupdate@tin ResourceLoader cache refresh completed at Tue Jan 5 02:31:46 UTC 2016 (duration 6m 54s)
- 02:24 logmsgbot: mwdeploy@tin sync-l10n completed (1.27.0-wmf.9) (duration: 10m 13s)
- 20:50 mutante: ms-be1011 - powercycled, was frozen
- 20:43 mutante: ms-be2007 - System halted!Error: Integrated RAID
- 20:42 mutante: ms-be2007 - powercycle (was status: on but all frozen) (i assume xfs like be2006 appears in SAL recently)
- 20:36 mutante: mw2019 - puppet run (icinga claimed it failed but just here)
- 20:19 mutante: rutherfordium - attempt to restart with gnt-instance
- 20:12 mutante: rutherfordium (people.wm) was down for days per icinga - then magically fixes itself when i connect to console but before even loggin in (ganeti VM)
- 20:00 mutante: mw1123 - start HHVM (was 503 and service stopped)
- 19:28 mutante: elastic1006 - out of disk - gzip eqiad_index_search_slowlog.log files
- 17:37 logmsgbot: yurik@tin Synchronized php-1.27.0-wmf.9/extensions/Graph/: Deployed Graph ext - gerrit 262357 (duration: 00m 33s)
- 02:32 logmsgbot: l10nupdate@tin ResourceLoader cache refresh completed at Mon Jan 4 02:32:10 UTC 2016 (duration 6m 53s)
- 02:25 logmsgbot: mwdeploy@tin sync-l10n completed (1.27.0-wmf.9) (duration: 10m 05s)
- 02:32 logmsgbot: l10nupdate@tin ResourceLoader cache refresh completed at Sun Jan 3 02:31:58 UTC 2016 (duration 6m 52s)
- 02:25 logmsgbot: mwdeploy@tin sync-l10n completed (1.27.0-wmf.9) (duration: 10m 22s)
- 03:34 twentyafterfour: deploying, restarted apache2 on iridium
- 02:31 logmsgbot: l10nupdate@tin ResourceLoader cache refresh completed at Sat Jan 2 02:31:28 UTC 2016 (duration 6m 58s)
- 02:24 logmsgbot: mwdeploy@tin sync-l10n completed (1.27.0-wmf.9) (duration: 10m 09s)
- 01:04 YuviPanda: imported vagrant 1.8.1 for jessie per bd808
- 00:04 ori: (at 23:46 UTC) restarted nova-compute on labvirt1002
- 23:50 legoktm: restarted nodepool on labnodepool1001
- 23:37 ori: restarting nodepool on labnodepool1001.eqiad.wmnet (T122731)
- 19:41 bd808: Updated with latest translation data from translatewiki
- 02:30 logmsgbot: l10nupdate@tin ResourceLoader cache refresh completed at Fri Jan 1 02:30:27 UTC 2016 (duration 6m 47s)
- 02:23 logmsgbot: mwdeploy@tin sync-l10n completed (1.27.0-wmf.9) (duration: 09m 58s)
- Server admin log/Archive 1 (2004 Jun - 2004 Sep)
- Server admin log/Archive 2 (2004 Oct - 2004 Nov)
- Server admin log/Archive 3 (2004 Dec - 2005 Mar)
- Server admin log/Archive 4 (2005 Apr - 2005 Jul)
- Server admin log/Archive 5 (2005 Aug - 2005 Oct), with history 2004-06-23–2005-11-25
- Server admin log/Archive 6 (2005 Nov - 2006 Feb)
- Server admin log/Archive 7 (2006 Mar - 2006 Jun)
- Server admin log/Archive 8 (2006 Jul - 2006 Sep)
- Server admin log/Archive 9 (2006 Oct - 2007 Jan), with history 2005-11-25–2007-02-21
- Server admin log/Archive 10 (2007 Feb - 2007 Jun)
- Server admin log/Archive 11 (2007 Jul - 2007 Dec)
- Server admin log/Archive 12 (2008 Jan - 2008 Jul)
- Server admin log/2008-08
- Server admin log/2008-09
- Server admin log/Archive 13 (2008 Oct - 2009 Jun)
- Server admin log/Archive 14 (2009 Jun - 2009 Dec)
- Server admin log/Archive 15 (2010 Jan - 2010 Jun)
- Server admin log/Archive 16 (2010 Jul - 2010 Oct)
- Server admin log/Archive 17 (2010 Nov - 2010 Dec)
- Server admin log/Archive 18 (2011 Jan - 2011 Jun)
- Server admin log/Archive 19 (2011 Jul - 2011 Dec)
- Server admin log/Archive 20 (2011 Dec - 2012 Jun), with history 2007-02-21–2012-03-27
- Server admin log/Archive 21 (2012 Jul - 2013 Jan)
- Server admin log/Archive 22 (2013 Jan - 2013 Jul)
- Server admin log/Archive 23 (2013 Aug - 2013 Dec)
- Server admin log/Archive 24 (2014 Jan - 2014 Mar)
- Server admin log/Archive 25 (2014 April - 2014 September)
- Server admin log/Archive 26 (2014 October - 2014 December)
- Server admin log/Archive 27 (2015 January - 2015 July)
- Server admin log/Archive 28 (2015 August - 2015 December)