
From Wikitech

The consumer side of event logging can be easily tested on Beta Cluster.


The instance name is configured here: Note that this might change at any time but other than the instance the rest of the info on this document should apply regardless of the instance

Note that you need sudo on this instance to see logs, any user trying to test stuff on Beta Cluster should ask for sudo on deployment-eventlogging03.eqiad.wmflabs. It is unfortunate that sudo is required but that is the state of affairs right now.

How to create test events

How to log a client-side event to Beta Cluster directly

Just hit the varnish endpoint on labs, for example:;

How to log via the website

Use to create events in mobile, for example.

How to load test with a bunch of events

There's a script that may be handy. It's in the same eventlogging codebase:

How to verify events

You can tail the files in the /srv/log/eventlogging on deployment-eventlogging03.eqiad.wmflabs to verify if your event is coming through. Unless noted otherwise, the files mentioned in this section and the subsections are in this directory.

ssh deployment-eventlogging03.eqiad.wmflabs
cd /srv/log/eventlogging

Validated events

  • all-events.log: validated events appear in this file (both server and client)

Tail this file while you use the website and emit server or client side events. If your events are valid your events should be there after a short while (seconds). If they don't appear then check the next section.

Raw stream of events (including unvalidated events)

  • client-side-events.log: client side events appear in this file (valid and not)
  • server-side-events.log: server side events appear in this file (valid and not)

If events do not appear they might not be valid, check /var/log/upstart/ for either the server-side or the client-side processor logs.


Validation errors will appear on those logs and they are very descriptive.


The mysql server is storing events just like it is in production, in order to see events you can use the eventlogging user whose user and password are listed at:


If you have sudo on the machine the mysql password for the root user is 'secret', otherwise:

mysql -h --user=eventlogging --password=68QrOq220717816UycU1
(it's labs, the password is not really a secret.)


Give people access

Add them to the lists on these wikis (you need to be an admin to do that) Asking in #wikimedia-labs might be a way to get help.


Special:NovaProject -> add users to deployment-prep

How to deploy code

There are automated deployments that might/might not be working. Source is deployed to:


and the packaged source (what we are using at runtime) is deployed to, for example,


Install the code on /srv/deployment/eventlogging/eventlogging

~>/srv/deployment/eventlogging/eventlogging# python install

You can run puppet with

puppet agent -tv

Restart EventLogging




 sudo  eventloggingctl restart

Stop completely:

 sudo  eventloggingctl stop

The config applied to create logs and such by upstart is at:


For "some" reason sometimes this is completely wrong and instead of saying:

nuria@vanadium:~$ more /etc/eventlogging.d/consumers/all-events-log

It says:

nuria@vanadium:~$ more /etc/eventlogging.d/consumers/all-events-log
file:///all-events.log -> NOTE, this will not work, needs to be changed


If you're testing Kafka stuff on the beta cluster, you'll need a zookeeper. You can pass --zookeeper deployment-zookeeper01:2181/kafka/deployment-kafka. Or you can just do export ZOOKEEPER_URL=deployment-zookeeper01:2181/kafka/deployment-kafka