
From Wikitech

How do I transfer files between stat1002 and stat1003?

There is an rsync server set up on both stat1002 and stat1003 that allow for writes in the /a (or /srv) directories. So:

stat1002$ rsync -av /path/to/files/

Note the special '::srv’ on the destination.  :: indicates an rsync module name. In this case, ::a works exactly the same. /a is a symlink to /srv on stat1003.

How do I transfer public files from stat boxes to labs?

NOTE: This is not working yet.

You probably want to take a new dataset that should be public and put it in some cool GUI in labs where it is easier to show off. An rsync module has been set up on a host (labstore1003). You may push files here via rsync, and then mount an NFS directory on your labs host:

# Copy files to labstore1003 from a production stat* box
stat1002$ rsync -av --delete /home/$USER/my_dataset labstore1003.eqiad.wmnet::statistics/$USER/my_dataset

If your labs project instances don't already have /public/statistics mounted, then you will need to make a commit to the operations/puppet repository in modules/labstore/files/nfs-mounts.yaml to enable this.