
From Wikitech

Until April 2014,the Analytics team used a Thoughtworks provided Mingle instance to track its progress. As of November 2014, the team uses Phabricator (look for projects with names starting with "Analytics".


Bring a bugzilla bug to the Task Wall

  1. Someone files a bug on bugzilla.
  2. (Automatic) Bingle creates card #BUGD of type „Defect” for the bug.
  3. Create a card of type „Feature” for the bug. We use #BUGF to refer to this card's number
  4. Set „Release Schedule - Sprint” of #BUGF to „Current Sprint”
  5. Create a card of type „Task” for the bug. We use #BUGT to refer to this card's number.
  6. Set „Release Schedule - Feature” of #BUGT to #BUGF.
  7. Set „Epic Schedule - Defect” of #BUGT to #BUGD.

(This procedure might simplify, if we simplify our card trees. However, we decided against such a simplification, as it would require fixing hierarchies for existing cards. But we're not yet sure yet if it's worth the trouble, as we might switch away from Mingle.)