Analytics/Wikimetrics/Global metrics

From Wikitech

Aggregation by user on Active Editor metrics

For this specific feature it is defined with the Learning and Evaluation team that the aggregation method for the Rolling Active Editor and Newly Registered metrics is going to be applying the OR operator across projects. For example, results like these:

  "4|dewiki|12": {"rolling_active_editor": 0},
  "4|enwiki|12": {"rolling_active_editor": 1},
  "4|ptwiki|12": {"rolling_active_editor": 0}

Will be applied the OR operator on the metric result: 0 or 1 or 0 => 1. And will be aggregated into:

  "4|_all_|12": {"rolling_active_editor": 1}

Meaning, if an editor is an active editor in any of their projects, they are a global active editor for the intended purposes. If an editor isn't an active editor in any of their projects, then they won't be considered a global active editor. This is the same for the other active editor metrics not used in the example.