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Bugzilla is an issue tracker Wikimedia used until November 2014 (see #Migration to Phabricator).



Setting up Whining

According to the user guide:

For whining to work, a special Perl script must be executed at regular intervals. More information on this is available in Section 2.3.3.

This cron job is currently set up to run once an hour at 15 past the hour. Here's the cron entry:

15 */1 * * * cd <bugzilla-directory> ; ./whine.pl

How to recover in a hurry

Its a good thing we backed up our database and Bugzilla 3.0.8 home directory as part of the upgrade

  • Move the backed up Bugzilla back to its original location
  • Restore the MySQL database from the backup dump
  • Run the checksetup.pl script

How to log in as admin

Most users had their admin rights revoked to ease coordination and for security reasons, see wmf:Bugzilla administrator rights policy. We have a shared admin account root users can use for emergencies. The credentials are on fenari under /home/wikipedia/doc/bugzilla. The account allows marking specific comments and attachments as private, and banning specific users (by going to "Administration -> Users"). Now that Bugzilla is read-only (though you can still log in to old-bugzilla to access your votes or saved searches) after the move to Phabricator in November 2014, such actions are unlikely to be needed anymore.

Moving a ticket to Security product in old-bugzilla

Now that we have moved from Bugzilla to Phabricator: When a ticket that was in a public Bugzilla product needs to be moved into the Security product in Bugzilla (to reflect the situation of the corresponding ticket in Phabricator which also got access restricted), the following steps need to be performed:


(custom) Patching Bugzilla

Currently patches are still applied manually, but this should be changed soon.

  1. get a .diff file including the patch, for example from hexmode, the bugmeister
  2. scp the file over to "kaulen" and login via ssh
  3. cd to /srv/org/wikimedia/bugzilla and copy the .diff file over here
  4. do a dry run and make sure "-p0" is the right thing (look at file pathes in patch file relative to current dir)
  5. patch --dry-run -p0 < patch.diff
  6. if the dry run looks fine:
  7. patch -p0 < patch.diff

(!)(you may want to create a backup right before applying the patch, or check into -R option to reverse patches if something goes wrong)

example ticket: RT:2061

Upgrading Bugzilla (minor version)

  1. Get a patch from http://www.bugzilla.org/download/ ,f.e. "4.0.2 to 4.0.3"
  2. cd to /srv/org/wikimedia/ and copy the .diff file over here.
  3. Continue patching as described above.
  4. Re-run ./checksetup.pl

Installing a Bugzilla extension

  1. Download the extension and unpack it into a directory below ./bugzilla/extensions ,f.e. for the SiteMap extension: ./bugzilla/extensions/Sitemap
  2. Go up to the bugzilla directory and run ./install-module.pl <extension>, f.e. for the SiteMap extension: ./install-module.pl Search::Sitemap
  3. Re-run ./checksetup.pl

Merging two user accounts

  1. cd /srv/org/wikimedia/bugzilla
  2. sudo contrib/merge-users.pl old@example.com new@example.com

Historical archived information


  • Switched to SSL 2008-02

Upgrade notes


Installation instructions - Note: The defunctional Bugzilla REST API was removed in August 2013 (see RT #5582). It is recommended to use Bugzilla's JSON or XML RPC API.

See also

Migration to Phabricator

In November 2014, Wikimedia migrated from Bugzilla to Phabricator. Requests to bugzilla.wikimedia.org are redirected to either phabricator.wikimedia.org or old-bugzilla.wikimedia.org. See T40. For more information, refer to mw:Phabricator/versus Bugzilla.