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Nova Resource:Deployment-prep/Help

From Wikitech

In case you have shell access to labs please read this.

Icinga Overview



  • deployment-apacheXX : apaches, only ssh there in order to reload apache
  • deployment-cache-XXX : squid caches, where XXX is a role, each one should have a different public IP address
    • deployment-cache-bits : to emulate bits.wikimedia.org
    • deployment-cache-uploadXX : upload squid
  • deployment-bastion : this is instance you want to ssh to, contains all stuff you need and all maintenance should be done there, even apache configs are here.
  • deployment-fluorine : host udp2log, the Mediawiki log receiver. No need to log there, logs are shared in /home/wikipedia/logs
  • deployment-videoscalerXX  : box which should do the video resizing
  • deployment-jobrunnerXX : boxes running MediaWiki asynchronous jobs. No web hits. Logs in shared /home/wikipedia/logs/runJobs.log
  • deployment-logstash1 : Logstash log aggregator
  • deployment-memcXX : memcached
  • deployment-pdf01 : PDF rendering
  • deployment-salt : Local Salt master and Puppet master
  • deployment-dbX : main sql server, isn't necessary to ever ssh there, unless you do dba stuff, or mysql is down


Configuration lives in /usr/local/apache/common/wmf-config - this is a shared directory

/usr/local/apache/common is a git repository, please commit all stuff you change

Always log all stuff to SAL!