Nova Resource:Math/SAL

From Wikitech

March 4

  • 21:35 andrewbogott: (and also because Howie requested it)
  • 21:34 andrewbogott: moved to point to the drmf-beta instance, and to point to the drmf instance. Because previously it was the other way around which was super confusing.

September 16

  • 19:36 andrewbogott: moving and rebooting mws instance

January 17

  • 08:57 andrewbogott: moving math-semantics to a new virt host to avoid a storage crunch. This will reboot the instance.

January 15

  • 08:48 andrewbogott: rebooted latexml-test

August 29

  • 06:05 Ryan_Lane: adding jiabao to work on math support for visualeditor