Squids deployment

From Wikitech

The 10 new Squid servers (single opterons with 4 disks) have been deployed as follows.

FIRST remove audit, as it blocks everything during a Yum upgrade on FC4:

# yum remove audit

Add the domain pmtpa.wmnet to /etc/resolv.conf:

domain pmtpa.wmnet

Add the /home NFS mount line to /etc/fstab:

zwinger:/home           /home                   nfs    bg,soft,rsize=8192,wsize=8192,timeo=14,intr,nfsvers=3  0

Set up LDAP:

# /home/wikipedia/bin/setup-ldap

Copy root SSH keys from zwinger's /root/.ssh

Remove standard bloat services:

# for s in cups gpm; do /sbin/chkconfig --del $s; done


Initialize squid spool filesystems using:

# mkfs -t reiserfs -s 0 device name

Add /etc/fstab lines:

/dev/sda2               /a                      reiserfs        nolog,notail        1 2
/dev/sdb1               /b                      reiserfs        nolog,notail        1 2
/dev/sdc1               /c                      reiserfs        nolog,notail        1 2
/dev/sdd1               /d                      reiserfs        nolog,notail        1 2

Create squid spool directories using:

# for i in a b c d; mkdir /$i/squid && chown squid.squid /$i/squid && chmod 0750 /$i/squid; done