
From Wikitech

wikitech-static is the name of the rackspace cloud instance running the wiki at This is a read-only copy of wikitech, maintained in order to provide emergency documentation in case of a site-wide outage.

The host can be accessed via ssh with a root login. The password is stored in Iron's password directory.

A (puppetized) cron on wikitech runs /usr/local/sbin/ and /usr/local/sbin/ which back up the wiki to /a/backup/ and /a/backup/public.

A (non-puppetized) cron on wikitech-static runs /usr/local/sbin/ which copies the files from wikitech and installs them.

It's probably a good idea to keep the mediawiki version on wikitech-static in sync with wikitech so that wikitech-static knows what to do with the data. This is not automated.
